
Strata is a global leader in developing and maintaining innovative products and technologies for mining operations, contributing to the increased daily production capacity. Our focus includes pioneering fleet management, accident prevention systems, and fuel consumption measurement/detection for underground operations. We are committed to advancing and sustaining solutions that enhance worker safety in the mining industry worldwide.

Turning data into understanding. And understanding into action.

MIn the mining industry, Strata serves as a crucial link, connecting the surface management/planning team with the underground operations team, seamlessly bridging gaps not only between mining locations but also across continents. Our products and state-of-the-art systems are backed by three decades of industry experience and a dedicated team of skilled professionals ready to support and contribute to the success of your objectives.



Underground Mining – Portal or Gallery (Main or Decline)

At the core of tunneling operations are people working underground who must remain safe during every working hour. For this reason, the products, and technologies that Strata is built on belong in this underground space. Technologies engineered and adapted specifically to suit tunneling applications.

Communication, ventilation, worker safety and emergency readiness are all vital components to underground tunnel construction. Strata is your single source for all. More than a product deliverer, Strata partners with you, sourcing your solutions or serving as an expert liaison to have your goals met.


Strata understands the complexity of operations a safe, productive environment for workers while accounting for consistent heavy machinery movement and the need for dependable communication.

From proactive accident prevention and predictive maintenance to reliable and secure high-speed wireless networking. Strata offers a collection of powerful and effective technologies to enhance your existing operations.

Strata advances safety technology, globally proven in other industries, now provides an opportunity for port operators to position themselves as leader in technology, innovation, and worker safety.